“I sat spellbound by His utterance, oblivious of time and of
those who awaited me,” he himself has testified, after describing the nature of
the questions he had put to his Host and the conclusive replies he had received
from Him, replies which had established beyond the shadow of a doubt the
validity of His claim to be the promised Qá’im. “Suddenly the call of the
Mu’adhdhin, summoning the faithful to their morning prayer, awakened me from the
state of ecstasy into which I seemed to have fallen. All the delights, all the
ineffable glories, which the Almighty has recounted in His Book as the
priceless possessions of the people of Paradise—these I seemed to be
experiencing that night. Methinks I was in a place of which it could be truly
said: ‘Therein no toil shall reach us, and therein no weariness shall touch
us;’ ‘no vain discourse shall they hear therein, nor any falsehood, but only
the cry, “Peace! Peace!”’; ‘their cry therein shall be, “Glory be to Thee, O
God!” and their salutation therein, “Peace!”, and the close of their cry,
“Praise be to God, Lord of all creatures!”’ Sleep had departed from me that
night. I was enthralled by the music of that voice which rose and fell as He
chanted; now swelling forth as He revealed verses of the Qayyúmu’l-Asmá’, again
acquiring ethereal, subtle harmonies as He uttered the prayers He was
revealing. At the end of each invocation, He would repeat this verse: ‘Far from
the glory of thy Lord, the All-Glorious, be that which His creatures affirm of
Him! And peace be upon His Messengers! And praise be to God, the Lord of all
- Mulla Husay (Quoted by Shoghi Effendi, Chapter 1 of ‘God Passes By’)