The wise and judicious Manuchihr Khán could not resist the
temptation of visiting so strange, so intriguing a Personage. Before a
brilliant assemblage of the most accomplished divines he, a Georgian by origin
and a Christian by birth, requested the Báb to expound and demonstrate the
truth of Muhammad’s specific mission. To this request, which those present had
felt compelled to decline, the Báb readily responded. In less than two hours,
and in the space of fifty pages, He had not only revealed a minute, a vigorous
and original dissertation on this noble theme, but had also linked it with both
the coming of the Qá’im and the return of the Imám Husayn—an exposition that
prompted Manuchihr Khán to declare before that gathering his faith in the
Prophet of Islám, as well as his recognition of the supernatural gifts with
which the Author of so convincing a treatise was endowed.
- Shoghi Effendi (Chapter 1, ‘God Passes By’)