I shall endeavor to review, in their proper perspective and
despite the comparatively brief space of time which separates us from them, the
events which the revolution of a hundred years, unique alike in glory and
tribulation, has unrolled before our eyes.
It is my purpose, on the occasion of an anniversary of such
profound significance, to attempt in the succeeding pages a survey of the
outstanding events of the century that has seen this Spirit burst forth upon
the world, as well as the initial stages of its subsequent incarnation in a
System that must evolve into an Order designed to embrace the whole of mankind,
and capable of fulfilling the high destiny that awaits man on this planet.
in the frenzied,
world-wide ebullitions of men’s thoughts,
in the
fierce antagonisms inflaming races, creeds and classes,
in the
shipwreck of nations,
in the
downfall of kings,
in the
dismemberment of empires,
in the
extinction of dynasties,
in the
collapse of ecclesiastical hierarchies,
in the
deterioration of time-honored institutions,
in the
dissolution of ties, secular as well as religious, that had for so long held
together the members of the human race—all manifesting themselves with
ever-increasing gravity since the outbreak of the first World War that
immediately preceded the opening years of the Formative Age of the Faith of
in these we can readily recognize the evidences of the travail
of an age that has sustained the impact of His Revelation, that has ignored His
summons, and is now laboring to be delivered of its burden, as a direct
consequence of the impulse communicated to it by the generative, the purifying,
the transmuting influence of His Spirit.
To what agency, if not to the irresistible diffusion of that
world-shaking, world-energizing, world-redeeming spirit, which the Báb has
affirmed is “vibrating in the innermost realities of all created things” can
the origins of this portentous crisis, incomprehensible to man, and admittedly
unprecedented in the annals of the human race, be attributed?
To what else can the observant eye or the unprejudiced mind,
acquainted with the signs and portents heralding the birth, and accompanying
the rise, of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh ascribe this dire, this planetary
upheaval, with its attendant destruction, misery and fear, if not to the
emergence of His embryonic World Order, which, as He Himself has unequivocally
proclaimed, has “deranged the equilibrium of the world and revolutionized
mankind’s ordered life”?
Itself [the Faith] undergoing a period of incubation during
its primitive age, it has, through the emergence of its slowly-crystallizing
system, induced a fermentation in the general life of mankind designed to shake
the very foundations of a disordered society, to purify its life-blood, to
reorientate and reconstruct its institutions, and shape its final destiny.
Already in the space of less than a century the operation of
the mysterious processes generated by its [The Báb+Baha’u’llah] creative spirit
has provoked a tumult in human society such as no mind can fathom.
The brightness of the millennial glory which it must shed in
the fullness of time dazzles our eyes. The magnitude of the shadow which its
Author will continue to cast on successive Prophets destined to be raised up
after Him eludes our calculation.
The weight of the potentialities with which this Faith,
possessing no peer or equal in the world’s spiritual history, and marking the
culmination of a universal prophetic cycle, has been endowed, staggers our
On the 23rd of May of this auspicious year the Bahá’í world
will celebrate the centennial anniversary of the founding of the Faith of
Bahá’u’lláh. It will commemorate at once
hundreth anniversary of the inception of the Bábí Dispensation, of